construction structure edge protection

construction structure edge protection

Structure in building construction refers to the process of putting together different elements of construction, to serve a useful purpose. As a leading supplier and manufacturer in china, APAC provides you with professional edge protection safety products, and for different complexed structures, our engineers will provide you with perfect solutions. Contact us today and get more details.

Equipos de construcción de APAC

solutions customised according to different structure

Apac classifies construction structures into four categories, as follows:

  • Estructura de hormigón
  • Estructura de encofrado
  • Estructura de acero
  • Stair Structure

concrete structure

  • Space between Slabs
  • Concrete Slab Edges
  • Free Working Space

formwork structure

  • Edge Protection for Wood Structure
  • Edge Protection for Aluminum Structure

steel structure

  • Clamp on Steel Beams
  • Pre-installation on Steel Beams

stair structure

  • Edge Protection for Prefabricated Material
  • Clamp on Stairs
  • Socket Base on the Stairs

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APAC Edge Protection system is the most robust on the market. Our products provide ultimate flexibility, whilst making your site more productive through ease of installation.
All of our edge protection products are rigorously tested, adhering to safety standards BS EN13374 and AS/NZS 4994, which means you can ensure that your worksites are compliant safety. Thousand tons of our products are exported to many countries across North America, Australia and Europe every year.
Sin embargo, si necesita soluciones personalizadas para aplicaciones especiales, también se pueden proporcionar barreras de malla de acero a medida.
If you and your project need edge protection solutions, please reach out to our team. We can help find the perfect solution for any worksites!

¿Por qué elegir APAC?

APAC edge protection system bottom banner
  • Fabricante y proveedor de sistemas de protección de bordes #1 de China
  • Ofrece servicio de diseño gratuito y solución integral.
  • Barreras de Protección de Bordes máxima versatilidad a otras marcas
  • Soluciones de protección de bordes completas con componentes intercambiables
  • Capacidad para suministrar tanto pedidos al por mayor como volúmenes más pequeños.
  • Muestras en stock listas para entrega
  • Entrega rápida y eficiente a todo el mundo.

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