WELECOME TO APAC Builders Equipment

edge protection solutions

APAC offers a full range of edge protection systems, offering the highest level of protection for workers to help prevent accidents associated with working at height. .  our product ranges are designed for great versatility, high productivity, easy assembly, ease of storage and transportation and can be customised to your needs.

Présentation de l'APAC

With 46% of all fatalities occurring from falls from height, edge protection creates a far safer working environment. APAC commitment to continued product developmen and supplies innovative and effective temporary edge protection barriers and associated safety solutions.


APAC offers a range of Edge Protection solutions for residential construction, infrastructure construction, industrial construction, and commercial construction. Using our experience and specialist knowledge, we are devoted to developing a safer site environment and our safety products have a well-earned reputation for being easy to use, productive and safe.

residential construction

Infrastructure Construction

infrastructure construction

industrial construction

industrial construction

commercial construction

Applications of edge protection solutions

Pourquoi choisir l'APAC

APAC edge protection system bottom banner
  • Fabricant et fournisseur de systèmes de protection des bords #1 en Chine
  • Offre un service de conception gratuit et une solution unique
  • Barrières de protection des bords, polyvalence maximale par rapport aux autres marques
  • Solutions de protection intégrale des bords avec composants interchangeables
  • Capacité à fournir à la fois des commandes groupées et des volumes plus petits
  • Échantillons en stock prêts à être livrés
  • Livraison rapide et efficace dans le monde entier

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