Falls are one of the most common causes of serious work injuries and deaths. Fall protection equipment is used to prevent employees from falling from elevated platforms, elevated workstations, or holes in the floor and walls.
Fall Protection Equipment——Helping Your Profit Margins Grow
APAC Fall protection equipment includes Personal Fall Protection (PFP), Harnesses, Anchors, Lifelines, Safety Lanyards, Safety Nets, Rooftop Guardrail System.
Protection individuelle contre les chutes
The system used by an employer to prevent an employee from falling or to safely stop an employee from falling,including harnesses,anchors,lifelines and safety lanyards.
Filets de sécurité
Les filets de sécurité s'adaptent à tout type de chantier. Ils permettent d'arrêter la chute d'une personne ou d'objets tels que des débris, des sacs de sable, des briques, protégeant ainsi les personnes et les biens situés en dessous.
Système de garde-corps
Guardrail systems are a modular and non-penetrating form of collective fall protection. This modular system can be adapted to complex roof obstructions.
Your Highly Experience Fall Protection Manufacturer
At APAC, we combine technological innovation and experience with the passion for manufacturing high-quality FALL PROTECTION products. APAC’s FALL PROTECTION solution includes innovative Personal Fall Protection Equipment, Harness, anchors, lifelines safety Lanyards, or Rooftop Guardrail System etc. Our products comply with the most commonly adopted standards and codes in the world, allowing you to have the greatest flexibility in choosing fall protection products.
APAC offers a wide range of fall protection equipment designed for working at heights. We offer fall protection harnesses and expandable devices to roof anchors and fall protection lifelines for the contractor, roofer, bridge construction, steel erection and more. All of this at an affordable price to meet your budget.
APAC is the trusted leader in workplace fall protection safety. We specialize 100% in fall protection equipment and personnel training that enhances work-at-height safety. APAC’s rugged products are designed and manufactured in China to maximize production cost savings. Our only job is to save lives through superior fall protection. That’s why when it comes to fall protection harnesses and equipment, the name to trust is APAC.
APAC’s products meet the ANSI/ASSP Z359 Standard for Fall Protection and Arrest Standards Package.
A common cause of construction fall injuries over the years is the misuse, failure to use, or use of inadequate fall protection equipment.
We offer the most trusted fall protection equipment on the market today, and we have everything you need to stay safe while working at heights.
Our number one priority is safety. At every step of a custom project or order, we work with our customers to ensure that all of their needs are met.
Fall Protection Supporting Your Growing Business
Decades ago construction teams and industrial workers worked in a variety of dangerous high ground conditions and did not always have the equipment to ensure their safety.
Today, OSHA requires the use of adequate fall protection systems in many workplaces. These systems offer the following benefits.
- Reduce dangerous falls that require climbing or performing tasks in elevated environments
- Improve the safety of workers in elevated work environments and those below them
- Reduce the costs associated with health, injury and liability after a fall
Fall protection systems are one of the most important workplace safety advances across multiple industries. This type of equipment has made “safety first” a universal cultural element across a wide range of industrial and commercial sectors.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
A fall protection system prevents personnel from reaching the risk of falling, while a fall arrest system minimizes injuries in the event of a fall.
Both configurations involve personal protective equipment (PPE) because the risk cannot be eliminated. PPE can be a safety harness, safety lanyard or retractable fall arrester block and is always with the user.
These PPE for working at heights can only be used in combination with fall protection system type anchor points, horizontal and vertical fall arrest systems, safety ladders, confined space tripods and hanger arms.
The robust blocks are certified for ceiling, wall and floor configurations.
The APAC system can stop a fall at a very short distance. The integrated energy absorption mechanism ensures that the maximum force transmitted to the end user is 6kN.
The ultra compact block is a user friendly device. In areas where fall clearance is limited, the retractable unit is installed in an overhead configuration.
When mounted on the ground, it also allows the user to reach areas away from the APAC lifeline.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)
Fall protection
Fall restraint
Rope passage
Maintenance of industrial roofs
Maintenance of residential roof
Architectural highlights and maintenance of the monument roof
Maintenance of the airport roof
Maintenance of roofs of commercial offices and shopping malls
Machine maintenance in production facilities
Working in a confined space
Maintenance of wind turbine blades
Maintenance of the hospital roof
Maintenance of roofs of educational institutions
Maintenance of electric tower
Fall protection | The Ultimate FAQ Guide
1. What Is A Fall Protection System?
A collection of safety equipment that works together to safeguard you from falls from a height together constitutes a fall protection system. You can secure a fall protection system with several pieces of equipment.
During the construction activities, you can get seriously wounded by falling over from overhead platforms, working stations at a height, structural openings, dangerous machines, etc. The fall protection system will prevent the user from falling and ensure your safety against falling.
2. What Are The Different Fall Protection Equipments?
The different fall protection components are:
- Harnais: A harness is a type of personal protective equipment designed to carry the load of the full body. The straps and buckles of the harness will be wrapped around the body. When a person is about to fall, the harness will evenly distribute the body load and transfer them to the lanyard.
There are two types of harnesses. The chest harness is only wrapped around the chest. So, the user will not experience uneven load at an individual part of the body. You can use them in areas where your workers are prone to limited hazards.
The other is a full-body harness, and this is the most used harness in construction sites. The straps and buckles of the full-body harness cover thighs, chests and shoulders. So it can even carry the body load in the most efficient way.
Figure 1 – Body Harness
- Lanyard: Lanyards are the restraint systems that transfer the body load from the harness to the rigid anchoring system. You have to attach one end of the lanyard with the harness and the other with the anchor.
There are three types of lanyards, namely rope lanyards, web lanyards and cable lanyards. The rope lanyards have some elastic properties. So, they will reduce the sudden impact of falls.
The function of web lanyards are similar to rope lanyards, but they are made from polyester constructed webbing. Finally, cable lanyards are suitable for hot environments.
- Anchor: The anchors are the final components that you need to connect with a rigid and solid point to carry the body load. The lanyard is connected with the anchor to transfer the load. The anchor may have a single or multiple anchor point.
Sometimes you can add additional devices with the anchor for extra features. For example, if you install the spring deacceleration device, it will reduce the sudden impact. You can also install components to warn a worker when they have reached a required limit within the safe area.
Figure 2 – A Typical Anchor Equipment
3. How Can The Fall Protection System Benefit You?
The fall protection system will benefit you in the following ways:
- The fall protection system will protect your workers against fall hazards. So, the risk of fall hazards will be minimized in your construction sites.
- With fewer accidents, a safe working environment will be secured in your construction sites.
- The pace of a project is disrupted when your workers experience any kind of accident. The project flow will remain smooth since you can keep your workers safe with the fall protection system to reduce accidents.
- Every company’s reputation depends on how much they are successful in maintaining certain factors. In the current competitive marketplace, buyers can choose products worldwide. They look for a company with a good reputation and must ensure the safety of its workers.
Compliant to legal terms: There are local terms and regulations that you must conform to in terms of safety aspects. If you can ensure safety using the suitable fall protection system, the local regulatory committees will never stop you with unwanted harassment and questions.
4. What Are The Standard Regulations For Fall Protection Systems And Arrest Standards?
The OSHA, ANSI, BS specifies standard regulations for fall protection systems. OSHA states that you have to install fall protection measures for general industry working areas if your workers are working at the height of four feet. The height range is specified at six feet for construction workers.
It has also specified direct suggestions to use safety equipment like safety harnesses and lines. So, you must install fall protection equipment for your workers if they work at a height above six feet.
5. Are The Fall Protection Systems Reliable?
Fall protection systems consist of highly sensitive and critical safety equipment. So, they are manufactured with a 100% failproof design. Moreover, reliable manufacturers ensure the highest quality control in the manufacturing process of fall protection equipment.
Additionally, manufacturers also perform routine quality monitoring and inspection tests to ensure that the fall protection equipment performs with the best efficiency for what they were designed for. So, you can rely on the fall protection systems.
6. What Is The Difference Between Fall Arrest And Fall Restraint System?
The fall restraint and fall arrest systems are sub-categories of the total fall protection system. There are some differences between them. The key differences are:
- Method of fall protection: The fall restraint system protects you before falling off. It will prevent you from reaching very close to hazard areas with the sets of equipment. But the fall arrest is the ultimate step to protect you once you have already started falling. It will stop the fall and keep you safe from injuries.
- Equipment: The equipment for individual systems are similar, with minor differences. Sometimes the same equipment can act as both fall restraint and a fall arrest system.
For example, if you attach a warning lifeline spring with the anchor and lanyards, it will warn you once you reach very close to the dangerous edge. Here the lanyard will work as fall restraint equipment. But if you accidentally fall off, the lanyard will protect you from falling to act as fall arrest equipment.
Figure 3 – Typical Fall Protection Equipments
- Training: You need to extensively train your workers to use both types of equipment.
- Risk of injury in case of failure: Fall arrests are more critical and will lead to higher forms of injury if they fail.
- Cost: The initial investment for both the fall arrest and fall restraint system is closed.
- EU directive preference: The fall restraint system is always the better option and should be the first consideration. Fall arrest should be your last option.
Plus de questions ?
APAC offers responsive and helpful customer service so you can easily order the fall protection systems and other safety equipment you need for your specific facility. We have the user manual to guide you operate our fall protection equipment.
APAC is the specialist of fall protection devices, if you have any project that needs our products or service, please feel free to contact our sales team.