أداة إمساك ألواح السور الواقي

APAC slab grabber makes it easy to install guardrail systems on concrete edges quickly and easily. It is completely optional to tighten the wrench on these concrete guardrail posts. In addition to being easy to install, they can fit concrete slabs of up to 36 inches in thickness with zero tools required. It is compatible with 2×4’s and 2×6’s wood boards and metal railings that are snap-on or cable-attached due to its strong and durable construction.

MOQ: 300 PCS


300-500500 – 1000>1000
الوقت المقدر(أيام)2025سيتم التفاوض عليه

Installation Guide of guardrail slab grabber

  1. Ensure the slab decking and structure can support the system and installer before you install the guardrail system.
  2. Work surface surfaces must be free of debris, gravel, and loose or slippery concrete surfaces that could interfere with slab grabber bearings.
  3. Measure and space the location of each slab grabber, no more than 8 feet between each one, or more than 12 inches from any outside or inside corner.
  4. Rotated the top handle in a counter-clockwise motion to open the post clamp slightly larger than the desired slab decking thickness.
  5. Place the clamp over the slab edge and make sure the post is positioned perpendicular to the slab surface.
  6. Adjust the top handle to tighten in a clockwise motion until the grabber is secure on the concrete slab. If using a torque wrench, tighten no more than 30 lbs./ft.
  7. Place the 2” x 4”, 2” x 6” or cable through the top rail and mid rail space on the post, use nails to secure 2” x 4” or 2” x 6”.
  8. The 2” x 4” or 2” x 6” can be used as toe boards if needed. The process is the same as above.


Boost Your Business with APAC guardrail system

الجودة تلتقي بالتميز

parapet clamp guardrail system surface treatment
APAC slab grabber products that meet and exceed OSHA standards. Manufactured with quality welds and durable steel, our products are built to last.
تصنع شركة APAC منتجات عالية الجودة منذ عام 2014. هدفنا هو تزويدك بمنتجات عالية الجودة بأفضل سعر ممكن مع توفير أعلى مستوى من الخدمة والدعم.

معالجة السطح لك

تخضع جميع منتجاتنا المعدنية للمعالجة السطحية قبل الشحن من أجل تحقيق اللون ومقاومة التآكل.
كان العلاج الأكثر شيوعًا هو طلاء المسحوق والجلفنة بالزنك. نقوم بمعالجة المعدن مسبقًا قبل المعالجة، لضمان متانة الطلاء وطول عمره.

طلاء الزنك
بالنسبة للصلب، نقدم كل من الجلفنة بالغمس الساخن والجلفنة الباردة لجلفنة الزنك.

قبل الجلفنة، يتم نقع المعادن في حمام كاوي.

 Hot-Dip Galvanized – Steel immerses in a molten zinc bath to create durable and tough zinc alloy layers. يوفر أقصى قدر من الحماية من التآكل للصلب عند استخدامه في الهواء الطلق.

Cold-Dip Galvanized – Zinc spays to steels at all angles at a controlled rate for required thickness. ويوفر حماية أساسية ضد التآكل للتطبيقات الداخلية.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك، فإننا نقدم خدمات مخصصة ويمكننا اختيار طرق علاج مختلفة وفقًا لاحتياجات العملاء.

APAC edge protection system bottom banner

APAC BUILDERS EQUIPMENT LTD. has armed worksite safety professionals with best-in-class fall protection solutions in the past decade. With our safety experts engineering and testing our product lines rigorously following government laws, you can be confident you are getting the right solution to protect the people who need it most. Count on our reliable customer service to deliver everything you need. “Leave No Doubt” is our motto when it comes to worker safety.

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