Part 1: General requirements
This Standard specifies requirements for the design, manufacture and testing of equipment
that is intended to provide temporary edge protection for persons working on roofs of
buildings having slopes not greater than 35° to the horizontal and for other exposed edges,
prior to the installation of the permanent walling materials.
1 This Standard does not apply to the containment of materials on residential roofs.
2 Edge protection is used on buildings that are being constructed, renovated, extended, altered
or maintained.
3 Where roof slopes exceed 35 degrees, roof edge protection should be specifically designed. In
some instances it may be appropriate that some other form of restraint may be required to
avoid risk of excessive impact.
4 AS/NZS 4494.2 specifies requirements for the installation and dismantling of roof edge
5 AS/NZS 4494.3 specifies requirements for the installation and dismantling of edge protection
of other edges prior to the installation of the permanent walling materials.
This Standard does not prevent the use of design, materials, methods of assembly,
procedures and the like that do not comply with the specific requirements of this Standard,
or are not mentioned in it, but which can be shown to give equivalent or superior results.
Service durability shall be a consideration in any assessment of new materials.
Persons using this Standard are advised to familiarize themselves with the relevant specific
statutory requirements regarding occupational health and safety legislation, scaffolding and
working at heights.
1 In Australia, housing and residential buildings are considered to be of not more than three
habitable storeys, based on Classes 1, 2 and 10 of the Building Code of Australia (BCA).
2 In New Zealand, such buildings within the definition of a housing unit are as per the New
Zealand Building Code (NZBC)
The following documents are indispensable to the application of this Standard:
NOTE: Documents referenced for informative purposes are listed in the Bibliography.
1720 Timber structures
1720.1 Part 1: Design methods
1831 Ductile cast iron
1832 Malleable cast iron
1833 Austenitic cast iron
1874 Aluminium and aluminium alloys—Ingots and castings
2074 Cast steels
4100 Steel structures
4750 Electrogalvanized (zinc) coatings on ferrous hollow and open sections
1170 Structural design actions
1170.2 Part 2: Wind actions
1576 Scaffolding
1576.1 Part 1: General requirements
1576.3 Part 3: Prefabricated and tube-and-coupler scaffolding
1576.6 Part 6: Metal tube-and-coupler scaffolding—Deemed to comply with
AS/NZS 1576.3
1594 Hot-rolled steel flat products
1664 Aluminium structures
1664.1 Part 1: Limit state design
1734 Aluminium and aluminium alloys—Flat sheet, coiled sheet and plate
1866 Aluminium and aluminium alloys—Extruded rod, bar, solid and hollow shapes
3678 Structural steel—Hot-rolled plates, floorplates and slabs
3679 Structural steel
3679.1 Part 1: Hot-rolled bars and sections
4600 Cold-formed steel structures
4680 Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on fabricated ferrous articles
4792 Hot-dip galvanized (zinc) coatings on ferrous hollow sections, applied by a
continuous or a specialized process
For the purpose of this Standard the definitions below apply.
1.5.1 Bottom rail
The lowest rail in a guardrail system that does not include a toeboard or infill panel.
1.5.2 Guardrail system
A structural edge protection system, which may comprise posts, rails, infill panels or
toeboards, or combination thereof, that is designed to provide edge protection.
1 See Clause 3.4 for further possible configurations.
2 A guardrail system may be installed to protect the roof edge or the platform or slab edge.
1.5.3 Gutter line—Residential building
The outside edge of the gutter. Where there is no gutter, the outside edge of the fascia, the
outer ends of the rafters or top chords of the trusses.
1.5.4 Kickplate
A plate (usually of metal) incorporated at the bottom of an infill panel.
1.5.5 Midrail
Any rail fitted between the top rail and the bottom rail or toeboard.
1.5.6 Non-structural infill panel
A panel, typically fabricated from steel wire mesh or other material of sufficient strength,
that requires backing rails to transfer design loads to supporting posts (see Figure 4.2).
1.5.7 Post
A structural member, including a scaffolding standard, that supports rails or infill panels
and connects them to the building or other supporting structure.
1.5.8 Roof cladding
Outer weatherproof surface of the building that is supported by the roof structure.
1.5.9 Roof edge protection
A barrier system that is anchored to wall structures, roof structures or roof cladding,
supported off the ground or at a level below the roof, or any combination of these, to
prevent a person on a housing or residential building from falling from the roof edge.
1.5.10 Roof surface
The effective walking surface.
1.5.11 Structural infill panel
A panel, typically fabricated from steel wire mesh, that does not require backing rails to
transfer design loads to supporting posts (see Figure 4.2).
1.5.12 Structural failure during testing
Actions such as weld failure, fracture of component material, fracture of a frame member,
fracture of a supporting structure, or any combination of these.
1.5.13 Toeboard
A scaffold plank fixed on edge or a purpose-designed component that is fixed at the roof
edge or platform, to prevent a person or debris from falling from the roof edge or platform.
1.5.14 Top rail
Highest rail of a roof guardrail system.
Common types of edge protection include:
(a) Independent scaffolds Scaffolds using scaffolding equipment that complies with
Clause 2.3 and are placed adjacent to an edge that requires protection. Independent
scaffolds may be used to protect roof edges or other edges.
(b) Prefabricated roof edge protection equipment Prefabricated components that are
connected to and supported by the wall or roof structure of a building where the roof
edge requires protection. Top plate-hung scaffolds are included in this category.
(c) Perfabricated edge protection equipment Prefabricated components that are
connected to a slab, building frame members or a combination of these to provide
protection to edges that are not roof edge.
Appropriate documented information, in plain English and SI units, shall be provided on the
edge protection system or edge protection equipment.
The information shall identify the supplier and the means of product identification.
The information shall include at least the following:
(a) Instructions for installation, dismantling, use, transportation and storage.
(b) A list of all components with descriptions from which each can be identified.
(c) Guidance for the servicing and inspection of the equipment and the rejection of
damaged components.
(d) Edge protection system limitation, including—
(i) maximum roof slope;
(ii) maximum rafter length;
(iii) whether or not the system has been designed and tested for dynamic loadings;
(iv) any other relevant limitations.
(e) Acceptable configurations, including—
(i) maximum span between posts;
(ii) maximum extension past a post;
(iii) acceptable corner configurations (whether rails may be fixed solely to return
rails at corners); and
(iv) any other relevant requirements.
(f) Requirements for supporting components , including—
(i) minimum dimensions and grade of supporting components;
(ii) maximum spacing and span of supporting components; and
(iii) any other relevant requirements.
Part 2:Materials And Components
Where the following materials are used, they shall comply with the relevant Standard as
(a) Cast steel components complying with AS 2074.
(b) Cast iron components complying with AS 1831, AS 1832 or AS 1833.
(c) Cast aluminium components complying with AS 1874 and having—
(i) an ultimate strength of not less than 160 MPa; and
(ii) an elongation of not less than 3%.
Where pressure die-casting is used as a method of manufacture, the casting technique
shall ensure compliance with these properties.
(d) Wrought aluminium alloy components designated in accordance with AS/NZS 1664.
and complying with AS/NZS 1866 for extrusions or AS/NZS 1734 for sheet and plate.
(e) Steel tube and structural steel components complying with AS 1163, AS/NZS 1594,
AS/NZS 3678 or AS/NZS 3679.1.
2.2.1 General
Fittings or components should be resistant to corrosion. With respect to galvanic action, the
materials should be compatible. Paints, galvanizing or similar treatments may be used,
provided resistance to corrosion is maintained.
Open-ended hollow steel sections shall be resistant to corrosion, both internally and
2.2.2 Fabricated components
Where the wall thickness is less than 2.5 mm and the section has been subject to fabrication
that includes welding, the component shall be hot-dip galvanized to ensure that both
internal and external surfaces are coated in accordance with AS/NZS 4680.
2.2.3 Straight components
Components where the wall thickness is less than 2.5 mm and where the only work has been
cutting to length and drilling shall be—
(a) electrogalvanized, internally and externally, in accordance with the requirements for
hollow sections of not less than coating class ZE100/100 of AS 4750;
(b) hot-dip galvanized, internally, in accordance with the requirements for hollow
sections of not less than coating class HDG200 of AS/NZS 4792; or
(c) welded hollow sections produced from pre-galvanized strip of not less than coating
class ZB100/100 of AS/NZS 4792.
Where scaffolding equipment is used as roof edge protection, it shall comply with
AS/NZS 1576.1, AS/NZS 1576.2, AS/NZS 1576.3, AS/NZS 1576.6 or AS 1577, as
Chain, rope (of any material) or steel wire strand shall not be used as roof edge protection.
NOTE: Such material may be used to retain pins and other components when not in use.
Part 3: Design
Temporary edge protection shall be designed to contain or prevent any person from falling
from the roof edge, the platform edge or other edges to which the temporary protection is
Roof edge protection may take the form of either attachments to the building structure or a
platform at the roof edge. Where a platform is used, the person sliding down to or falling
onto the platform shall be contained on, or restrained from falling, from the platform.
Roof edge protection shall be able to withstand the greatest likely impact from a person
falling against it.
NOTE: Where a person falls or slips on the roof and impacts against correctly installed roof edge
protection, the equipment and those parts of the building structure to which components of the
roof edge protection are attached may be dislodged or permanently damaged; consequently,
requiring repair or replacement.
Edge protection in general may take the form of components being attached to the floor
structure or by components spanning between adjoining floors where such components
support the guardrailing.
NOTE: For examples of temporary edge protection, see Appendix G.
3.4.1 General
The design of edge protection shall take into account the following:
(a) The strength and stability of the structure supporting or stabilizing the edge
(b) The behaviour of the edge protection and the supporting structure at the points to
which the edge protection system is attached, when subjected to an impact force.
(c) Handling that may be associated with the erection and dismantling of the edge
(d) The safety of persons erecting and dismantling the edge protection system.
(e) The safety of persons being protected by the roof edge protection.
(f) Provision for the attachment of a toeboard or bottom rail.
(g) The corrosion resistance and durability of the materials used in constructing the roof
edge protection.
3.4.2 Design of roof edge protection
The design of roof edge protection shall take into account the following:
(a) The slope of the roof.
NOTE: This Standard covers roof slopes of up to 35° to the horizontal.
(b) The length of the roof in the direction of its slope.
(c) The type of roof cladding and its frictional resistance to a person sliding down the
(d) Access that may be required to the lower portion of the roof, for the installation of
(e) Reinstatement of the roof cladding following removal of the roof edge protection.
(f) The safety of persons passing through the roof edge protection to gain access to the
3.4.3 Design of general edge protection
The design of general edge protection shall take into account the following:
(a) Containment of materials and debris on the work side of the edge protection system.
(b) Access for construction materials to pass the edge protection system.
(c) Construction work immediately adjacent to and prior to dismantling of the edge
protection system.
3.5.1 General
Edge protection shall incorporate some structural flexibility, to minimize any injury to any
person who may impact on it. Sharp edges shall not be used.
3.5.2 Design requirements for edge protection
The edge protection shall be designed so that the forces transferred to the equipment will
not cause or enable the edge protection to become detached from the supporting structure,
thereby enabling a person to fall from the roof edge, platform or other edge.
Edge protection shall be designed by either—
(a) structural analysis that is verified by testing to this Standard; or
(b) empirically, using a series of appropriate tests including verification testing to this
3.5.3 Fatigue
Consideration shall be given to the possible effects of fatigue resulting from cyclic loading
on connection points of the roof edge protection.
3.5.4 Prefabricated elements
The design of prefabricated structural members and components of roof edge protection
shall be in accordance with, AS/NZS 1170.2, AS/NZS 1576, AS/NZS 1664.1, AS 1720.1,
AS 4100, AS/NZS 4600 and AS/NZS 4792, as appropriate.
3.6.1 General
Edge protection shall not include any opening through which a person could pass
Barriers shall be formed by one of the following:
(a) Top rail, midrails and bottom rail.
(b) Top rail, midrails and toeboard.
(c) Rails supporting Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 non-structural infill panels that perform
the function of edge protection (see Figure 4.2).
(d) Type 4 structural infill panels that perform the function of top rail, midrail and
bottom rail or toeboard.
3.6.2 Rails
Rails shall comply with the following:
(a) For all flat surfaces and roof slopes of not more than 10° from the horizontal, the top
rail of the edge protection shall be located at an effective height above the surface of
not less than 900 mm.
(b) For roof slopes of greater than 10° but not greater than 35° from the horizontal, the
top rail shall be located at an effective height of not less than 900 mm above the point
where a person could stand inside and adjacent to the edge protection on the sloping
roof. This shall be not less than 300 mm from the back of the fascia, or outer edge of
the truss or rafter where there is no fascia (see Figure 3.1).
(c) Where midrails are used, the nominal clear distance between rails shall not exceed
450 mm. The nominal clear distance between a midrail and a toeboard or bottom rail
shall not exceed 275 mm.
(d) Rails intersecting at corners of edge protection shall be securely connected to each
other or to a post. The connection shall be one rail immediately above the other.
(e) In any section of roof edge protection, the rails shall be nominally parallel.
(f) For roof edge protection that has the edge protection outside the roof line, the
nominal clear distance between the bottom rail and the top of the fascia, or outer edge
of the truss or rafter where there is no fascia, shall be not less than 150 mm and not
greater than 275 mm (see Figure 3.1).
(g) For roof edge protection that has the edge protection outside the roof line, the
nominal horizontal distance between the bottom rail and the nearest edge, including
the gutter line, shall not exceed 100 mm (see Figures 3.1, 3.4 and 3.5).
(h) For roof edge protection that has posts projecting through the roof cladding, the
following requirements apply:
(i) The nominal clear distance between the bottom rail and the top of the roof
cladding shall be not less than 150 mm and not greater than 275 mm, measured
at 90° to the roof surface from the underside of the rail. These distances may be
exceeded when non-structural panels backed by these rails are used, provided
the gap between the bottom edges of the panels does not exceed these
(ii) The distance between the outer edge of the post and the fascia, or outer edge of
the truss or rafter where there is no fascia, shall be not greater than 300 mm
measured horizontally (see Figure 3.3).

3.6.3 Toeboards
Where used, toeboards shall be not less than 150 mm high and shall have sufficient strength
and rigidity to prevent a person from passing the toeboard, and shall be securely connected
at corners.
The clear distance between the toeboard and the top of a floor slab shall be not greater than
10 mm.
The clear distance between the toeboard and the top of the roof cladding shall be not greater
than for a bottom rail, unless the toeboard is required to prevent materials from falling from
the roof, in which case the distance from the underside of the toeboard and the top of the
roof cladding shall not exceed 10 mm.
A roof having a slope greater than 26° shall be fitted, at the lowest edge of the slope, with
an infill panel protecting the lowest 500 mm of the barrier, except that infill panels are not
required where the barrier is installed within 1.8 m of a roof hip (see Figure 3.2). A midrail
and bottom rail or toeboard, as appropriate, are also required in these areas.

3.6.4 Structural infill panel
Structural infill panels shall have sufficient strength to transfer an impacting load to their
supporting posts.
Where it is intended that a structural infill panel be used to prevent materials falling from
the edge, the infill panel should incorporate steel wire mesh of the following sizes.
(a) For apertures of not more than 50 mm × 50 mm, wire of not less than 4 mm diameter
should be used.
(b) For apertures of not more than 50 mm × 25 mm, wire of not less than 2.5 mm
diameter should be used.
3.6.5 Non-structural infill panels
Non-structural infill panels are supported against impacting loads by top, middle or bottom
backing rails.
Where it is intended that a non-structural infill panel be used to prevent materials falling
from the edge, the infill panel should incorporate steel wire mesh of the following sizes:
(a) For apertures of not more than 50 mm × 50 mm, wire of not less than 4 mm diameter
should be used.
(b) For apertures of not more than 50 mm × 25 mm, wire of not less than 2.5 mm
diameter should be used.

3.6.6 Inclination
Roof edge protection shall not be inclined away from the roof by more than 20° from the
vertical (see Figure 3.5).
NOTE: Where the system is inclined away from the roof, the design should ensure that under
design loads the system should not deflect to the extent that would enable a person to fall between
the rails.
3.6.6 Inclination
Roof edge protection shall not be inclined away from the roof by more than 20° from the
vertical (see Figure 3.5).
NOTE: Where the system is inclined away from the roof, the design should ensure that under
design loads the system should not deflect to the extent that would enable a person to fall between
the rails.

Roof edge protection shall be arranged so that persons accessing the roof can pass through
the roof edge protection without having to climb over the top rail or midrail.
Where a platform is located more than 300 mm below the roof edge, a suitable means of
access shall be provided to the roof (see Note 3).
Access points shall not undermine the integrity of roof edge protection.
1 For an example of access through roof edge protection, see Figure 3.6(A).
2 For an example of external access, see Figure 3.6(B)
3 Additional edge protection may be required in this area.

The following loads shall be considered when designing edge protection:
(a) Static loads The edge protection shall be designed for a static point load of 600 N
applied to the post or top rails inwards, outwards, upwards, downwards and in any
other relevant direction, provided the deflection under test load shall not exceed the
deflection limits in Clause 3.9.
(b) Dynamic loads The design also shall make provision for dynamic loads caused by a
person impacting against the roof edge protection (e.g. the result of stumbling, sliding
or falling) and calculate the force transmitted through the connection. The deflection
shall not exceed the limits specified in Clause 3.9. In designing for such occurrences,
the following shall apply:
(i) When the roof slope and friction coefficient could cause a person to slide, then
the distance shall be taken into consideration when determining the impact of a
person sliding down the roof against the lower part of the roof edge protection.
(ii) Wind loads as specified by AS/NZS 1170.2.
(iii) Other environmental loads.
NOTE: Where a rail is supported by a return rail, the nearest supporting post may be
subjected to additional sideways load.
Under the static and dynamic design loads given in Clause 3.8, the following shall apply:
(a) The deflection limit for static loading shall not exceed the limits set out in
Appendices A and B.
(b) Under the dynamic loading, the deflection limits for components of the system shall
not exceed the limits set out in Appendices C, D and E.
3.10.1 Roof edge protection
Where roof edge protection is supported from the wall structure or the roof structure, the
design shall stipulate the minimum size and strength of the members to which the roof edge
protection components are to be attached and the required attachment position.
The strength of timber framing and steel framing shall be based on the grade and profile of
the components used.
Roof edge protection shall not be bolted through timber frame members of a supporting
structure, unless approved by the frame manufacturer or in compliance with an engineer’s
NOTE: Boltholes in timber frame members may reduce the effective strength of the member.
3.10.2 Other edge protection
Where the edge protection is supported from a floor slab or other parts of the permanent
structure, the design shall stipulate the minimum size of the fixings that shall be used after
taking into account the strength of the supporting materials.
Tube-and-coupler or prefabricated scaffolding components that are used to provide roof
edge protection within 450 mm or less from the roof edge shall meet the relevant load
requirements of this Section (Section 8).
Any independent scaffold, which may be used to provide roof edge protection to the
guardrail system beyond the platform and which is at a distance greater than 450 mm of the
roof edge, shall be designed in accordance with Clause 3.4 to resist the relevant load
requirements of this Section and shall be stable under the design loads.
The design of edge protection equipment shall be such that following typical use, it shall be
capable of being maintained and repaired, to ensure that it will perform to its design
Part 4: Testing,Marking And Information
Edge protection guardrail systems shall be capable of passing the type testing that is
specified by Appendices A, B, C, D and E. A summary of these requirements is given in
Table 4.1.
Dynamic testing is mandatory for roof edge protection designed for roof slopes greater than
15° from the horizontal. Below this angle, the requirement for dynamic testing shall be
identified by the designer.
A post, rail or infill panel that will be subjected to a dynamic test need not be subjected to a
static test for the same application in the same direction.

Fabricated components of temporary edge protection, including prefabricated scaffolding
equipment, shall be clearly and indelibly marked with a symbol or letter to identify the
equipment and its supplier.
The marking shall be of a size that is clearly legible and readily visible.
1 The size of the letter may take account of the size of the component.
2 Equipment manufactured prior to the publication of this Standard may not carry the required
The supplier of temporary edge protection equipment shall develop and provide the
following documented information:
(a) Instructions for transportation, erection, dismantling storage and maintenance.
(b) A guide to working practices, including stability of the erected edge protection.
Where scaffolding equipment is used to provide edge protection and especially where
there is a possibility of dynamic forces impacting on the edge protection, particular
guidance shall be provided to ensure the stability of the scaffolding equipment.
(c) The materials, size range and minimum strength of members that will support the
edge protection equipment. For roof edge protection this includes rafters, truss chords
and studs that are suitable for connection of the roof edge protection.
(d) The level of competency required for erecting and dismantling the equipment.
(e) Limitations of the system—
(i) for roofs, the maximum roof slope, roof cladding material, maximum spacing of
components; and
(ii) for other edges, the material strength and member sizes that the system can
attach to.
This Appendix sets out the method for the determination of the performance of a post,
including a gable end post supporting edge protection equipment not liable to dynamic
loading by persons working on a roof or on other surfaces where the edge needs protection.
A post shall be tested in the most adverse location in the system.
The following shall apply:
(a) For roof edge protection, a section of the edge protection assembly shall be assembled
in accordance with Figure 4.1, with the post fixed so as to simulate the manner of
installation, using materials of the same characteristics as the intended supporting
A test force shall be applied to an end post. Deflection of the post under load shall be
(b) For other edge protection, a single post shall be fixed to a supporting member so as to
simulate the manner of installation, using materials of the same characteristics as the
intended supporting structure. Deflection of the post under load and any slip on the
supporting surface shall be measured.
The following apparatus shall be used:
(a) For roof edge protection, a section of the edge protection as shown in Figure 4.1,
supported in a manner that simulates the rigidity of its location in the intended wall
frame or roof frame.
(b) For other edge protection, a post supported in a manner that simulates the rigidity of
its supporting structure. Where slip is possible, the supporting surface shall have
similar surface characteristics to the intended surface.
(c) A means of applying a force of 600 N horizontally to an end post.
(d) A means of applying a force of 600 N or 350 N per lineal metre of edge protection
railing or infill panels to be supported by the other edge protection post, whichever
force is the greater.
NOTE: A concentrated load producing a bending moment equivalent to 350 N per lineal
metre may be applied at the midspan of the guardrail span.
(e) A means of measuring a time interval of not less than 300 ±1 s.
(f) A suitable steel rule or tape measure, graduated in millimetres.
The procedure shall be as follows:
(a) For roof edge protection, fix the guardrail posts to the framing members or supporting
structure in the manner intended for installation.
(b) Mount or assemble any rails or infill panels to the posts as necessary to simulate an actual installation. (c) For other edge protection, fix a single post to a supporting member in the manner intended for installation. Where it is impracticable to set up the supporting member in a laboratory situation, the test may be carried out on a building that has an appropriate supporting member. (d) Before the test, apply a preload of 100 N, horizontally inwards, for a period of not less than 60 s, to stabilize the post connection to the structure. (e) Remove the preload and establish the datum point for the test. The datum point shall be rigid and independent of the test rig. (f) Apply a proof load of 600 N or the load specified in Paragraph A3(d), horizontally inwards, to the top guardrail position on the post for a period of 300, −0, +15 s. (g) Measure the deflection of the post under load at the position of the top guardrail or the top of the infill panel. (h) Remove the load. (i) Apply a proof load of 600 N, or the load specified in Paragraph A3(d), horizontally outwards, to the top guardrail position on the post for a period of 300, −0, +15 s. (j) Measure the deflection of the post under load, at the position of the top guardrail or the top of the infill panel. (k) Apply the maximum test load of 1200 N for a period of 300, −0, +15 s. NOTE: A gable end post does not require to be tested to the maximum test load. (l) Remove the load. (m) Note and record if there is any structural failure in the post or the supporting structure. A5 ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The following shall apply: (a) Under the proof load of 600 N or the load specified in Paragraph A3(d), inwards or outwards, the deflection shall not reach 101 mm. (b) Under the maximum test load of 1200 N, the post and any part of the supporting structure shall not suffer structural failure. A6 REPORT A report that includes the information specified by Appendix F shall be prepared.
(b) Mount or assemble any rails or infill panels to the posts as necessary to simulate an
actual installation.
(c) For other edge protection, fix a single post to a supporting member in the manner
intended for installation. Where it is impracticable to set up the supporting member in
a laboratory situation, the test may be carried out on a building that has an
appropriate supporting member.
(d) Before the test, apply a preload of 100 N, horizontally inwards, for a period of not
less than 60 s, to stabilize the post connection to the structure.
(e) Remove the preload and establish the datum point for the test. The datum point shall
be rigid and independent of the test rig.
(f) Apply a proof load of 600 N or the load specified in Paragraph A3(d), horizontally
inwards, to the top guardrail position on the post for a period of 300, −0, +15 s.
(g) Measure the deflection of the post under load at the position of the top guardrail or
the top of the infill panel.
(h) Remove the load.
(i) Apply a proof load of 600 N, or the load specified in Paragraph A3(d), horizontally
outwards, to the top guardrail position on the post for a period of 300, −0, +15 s.
(j) Measure the deflection of the post under load, at the position of the top guardrail or
the top of the infill panel.
(k) Apply the maximum test load of 1200 N for a period of 300, −0, +15 s.
NOTE: A gable end post does not require to be tested to the maximum test load.
(l) Remove the load.
(m) Note and record if there is any structural failure in the post or the supporting
The following shall apply:
(a) Under the proof load of 600 N or the load specified in Paragraph A3(d), inwards or
outwards, the deflection shall not reach 101 mm.
(b) Under the maximum test load of 1200 N, the post and any part of the supporting
structure shall not suffer structural failure.
A report that includes the information specified by Appendix F shall be prepared.
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the performance of a top rail, midrail,
bottom rail, infill panel or toeboard of an edge protection system that is not liable to
dynamic loading by persons working in the vicinity of the edge protection.
Type 1 and Type 2 non-structural infill panels (see Figure 4.2) are fully supported by rails
and do not require testing.
A section of the top rail, midrail, bottom rail, infill panel or toeboard shall be mounted
between supports. The test forces shall be applied as follows (see Table 4.1 and Figures 4.1
and 4.2):
(a) Apply separately horizontal and vertical downward forces to the top rail at midspan
or at a distance not greater than 100 mm from a corner or end of a cantilever.
(b) For rails that are designed to incorporate an inline joiner, test at midspan with the
joiner in place at midspan.
(c) Where the midrail has material and section properties different to the top rail, apply a
horizontal force to the midrail.
(d) Apply separate vertical and horizontal forces to the top of the structural infill panel.
(e) Apply a horizontal force to the centre of a Type 4 structural infill panel and a Type 3
non-structural infill panel (see Figure 4.2).
(f) Apply a horizontal force to the bottom of a Type 4 structural infill panel (see
Figure 4.2), the bottom rail or the top of a toeboard.
The following apparatus shall be used:
(a) A means of supporting the edge protection assembled in accordance with Figure 4.1,
to simulate the intended means of connection in the system.
(b) A means of applying separately a force of 600 N vertically or horizontally, as
applicable, to the top rail, midrail, infill panel, bottom rail or toeboard.
(c) A means of measuring a time interval of not less than 300 ±1 s.
(d) A suitable steel rule or tape measure, graduated in millimetres.
(e) A steel plate of 200 mm diameter, to apply the horizontal test load to the centre of the
mesh of a Type 4 structural infill panel, and at the centre of the unsupported mesh of
a Type 3 non-structural infill panel (see Figure 4.2).
The edge protection shall be fixed to the framing members or supporting structure at the
maximum span in the manner intended for installation.
Each component shall be tested separately.
Rails that are designed as backing rails to Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3 non-structural infill
panels shall be tested with the panels removed.
The procedure shall be as follows (the sequence of tests may be varied to suit the test
(a) Vertical test downward Before the test, apply a preload of 100 N vertically
downward to the midpoint of the component being tested, to stabilize the assembly.
(b) Remove the preload and measure the distance in between the midpoint of the span of
the component under test and a datum point that is rigid and independent of the test
(c) Apply, in a smooth manner, the test force of 600 N vertically downward to the
midpoint of the span of the top rail, midrail or top of the infill panel for a period of
300 −0, +15 s.
(d) Measure any deflection of the top rail, midrail or top of the Type 4 structural infill
(e) Remove the test force.
(f) Horizontal test inward—before the next test, apply a preload of 100 N horizontally
inward to the midpoint of the component being tested, to stabilize the assembly.
(g) Repeat Step (e).
(h) Apply in a smooth manner the test force of 600 N horizontally inward to the midpoint
of the span of the top rail, midrail or top of the infill panel for a period of
300 −0, +15 s.
(i) Measure any deflection of the top rail, midrail or top of the Type 4 structural infill
(j) Remove the test force.
(k) Horizontal test outward—before the test, apply a preload of 100 N horizontally
outward to the midpoint of the component being tested, to stabilize the assembly.
(l) Repeat Step (e).
(m) Apply, in a smooth manner, the test force of 600 N horizontally outward to the
midpoint of the span of the top rail, midrail or top of the infill panel components for a
period of 300 −0, +15 s.
(n) Measure any deflection in the top rail, midrail or top of the Type 4 structural infill
(o) Remove the test force.
(p) Repeat Steps (a) to (o) for each different component combination to top rail, midrail,
infill panel or toeboard as outlined in Paragraph B2.
NOTE: A Type 3 non-structural infill panel (see Figure 4.2) bottom rail and toeboard do not
require to be tested for a vertical downward or inward force. Accordingly, Steps (e) to (n) are not required for these components.
(a) The resultant deflection under the test load of the top rail, midrail, bottom rail or
toeboard, with respect to the two adjacent supports, shall not reach 101 mm,
measured between supports.
NOTE: An end post may deflect more than an inner post where a system is being tested. The rail deflection is measured in relation to the average deflection of the two posts supporting the tested section of rail.
(b) The deflection of the top and bottom edge of a Type 4 structural infill panel shall not
reach 101 mm under the test load and the centre of the panel shall not deflect more
than 100 mm in relation to the edges of the panel.
NOTE: Posts supporting the infill panel may also deflect under the test load. The panel
deflection is measured in relation to the average deflection of the two posts supporting the
tested panel.
(c) The deflection of the centre of the mesh of a Type 3 non-structural infill panel shall
not reach 101 mm.
(d) The component tested shall not suffer structural failure.
A report that includes the information specified by Appendix F shall be prepared.
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the performance under impact loading
in an outward direction of a single post without a top rail fitted, a top rail supported by two
posts or the top edge of a structural infill panel.
A post and top rail supported by two posts shall be tested. Where an inline joiner is used to
join sections of a top rail as part of the system, the top rail shall be tested for a second time
with the inline joiner fitted at the most severe location (see Figure 4.1, test locations 1, 2
and 3). The top edge of a structural infill panel shall be tested also (see Figure 4.2(d)).
Where the roof edge protection is designed to be fixed or supported by the building frame, a
section of roof edge protection shall be assembled in accordance with Figure 4.1 and fixed
to an actual building or simulated building to reproduce an actual installation. The materials
used to connect the roof edge protection to the frame and the frame itself shall be the same
as those intended for actual use. The framing members shall be supported in a manner that
simulates their location in relation to a wall or roof frame. An impact shall be applied at the
top of the post or at the midpoint of the span of the top rail. The deflections of the
nominated components shall be measured and any visible damage to the roof edge
protection and framing members shall be noted.
Where roof edge protection is constructed from scaffolding independent of the building
frame, though it may be stabilized by the building frame, the points of impact shall be as
described above.
Additional testing shall be undertaken at locations where the roof edge protection
incorporates cantilevered top rails and at any locations where the manufacturer states the
design of the roof edge protection is of lower potential strength than the midpoint of the
span of the top rail between two posts. Such testing shall be carried out at the deemed
worst-case location.
The following apparatus shall be used:
(a) A test frame, consisting of a building or a section simulating a building, representing
the intended installation for the roof edge protection, constructed of components that
will simulate the intended usage, of the minimum design size, strength and rigidity.
The test frame shall be braced in a similar manner to an actual application and shall
be securely fixed to a concrete floor or similar, to ensure that only a minimal
movement of the frame occurs during the testing. The frame shall be rigid enough to
resist movement between its components during the test.
NOTE: Where possible, the test frame should be constructed from the same framing materials
as those used on the buildings on which the roof edge protection is to be used.
(b) A section of the scaffold assembly, which will be used to support the components to
be tested, shall be erected in the intended manner, stabilized against a section of
building frame constructed of materials of similar dimensions and structural
properties as those used to construct an actual building frame.
(c) A suitable length of the roof edge protection, of the minimum design size and
strength, supported in a manner that simulates the rigidity of its location in the
intended wall, or roof frame or supporting scaffold, with the maximum intended span
of the posts.
(d) A test apparatus consisting of a rigidly supported pendulum that is able to apply an
impact force in an outward direction to the top of the post, the top rail or the face of
the top edge of a structural infill panel. See Figure D1, Appendix D, for the form of a
suitable test apparatus. The pendulum shall have a true swing, square to the tested
A pendulum head mass of 60 kg, comprising a rubber-faced steel block of nominal
face dimensions 300 mm × 300 mm, shall be used to apply the impact force in an
outward direction.
The rubber facing, which is used to suppress noise from impacts, shall—
(i) extend over the full impact face of the steel block; and
(ii) have a thickness of 15 ±5 mm.
NOTE: The rubber should have a hardness of 70 IRHD ±5, as specified in AS 1683.15.1, as
this material will last a reasonable number of tests.
The test apparatus shall be configured to enable the steel block to travel through an
elevated test height of not less than 1000 mm, measured at the centre of gravity of the
For a post, the test apparatus shall be arranged so that, at the point of impact on the
post, the full length of the rubber-faced steel block will contact the post. Where the
post is designed to be inclined away from the vertical, the test apparatus shall be
modified to ensure that this condition is achieved. The top rail shall be removed for
the test on a post.
For a top rail, the test apparatus shall be arranged so that, at the point of impact on
the top rail, the full width of the rubber-faced steel block will contact the top rail.
For the top edge of a structural infill panel, the test apparatus shall be arranged so
that, at the point of impact on the top edge of the structural infill panel, the full width
of the rubber-faced steel, block will contact the inner face of the top edge of the
structural infill panel.
(e) A suitable steel rule or tape measure, graduated in millimeters.
The impact of the rubber-faced steel block on the roof edge protection is intended to
represent the bulk of a person impacting the post, top rail, or top edge of the structural infill
panel. The use of a steel weight allows for reproducible energy to be absorbed by the
nominated components under test.
The procedure shall be as follows:
(a) Assemble the roof edge protection on the building or simulated building in the
manner intended for installation. The materials used for connection and support of the
roof edge protection shall be the same as those intended for actual use.
(b) Mount or assemble the pendulum device and framework in a manner that will ensure
that only the top of the post (see Figure 4.1, test location 1) or the top rail is
impacted. The test impact shall be applied at the midpoint of the span of the top rail
between two posts, one of which shall be an end post (see Figure 4.1, test location 2)
or, at the rail joiner installed at the midpoint of the span between the posts (see
Figure 4.1, test location 3).
(c) Establish a datum point for measuring horizontal deflections. The datum point shall
be independent of the test rig.
(d) Raise the pendulum to the required rotated height of at least 1000 mm above the top
of the post or the center-line of the top rail.
(e) Release the pendulum and allow it to swing freely around the pivot point, from the
required rotated height. For the post, the rubber-faced steel block shall impact
squarely with its top edge within 30 mm above the top of the post. For the top rail, the
center height of the rubber-faced steel block shall impact the center of the top rail.
For the top edge of the structural infill panel, the center height of the rubber-faced
steel block shall impact on the center of the top edge of the structural infill panel.
(f) During the test, record, if the maximum deflection permitted, is reached at the time of
impact at the top of the post, the midpoint of the top rail, or the center of the top edge
of the structural infill panel. Also, record any structural failure that is readily visible
during a subsequent visual examination.
(g) Repeat Steps (b) to (f) separately for the top rail or the top edge of the structural infill
The following acceptance criteria shall apply:
(a) Under test, the deflection of the top of the post, when tested alone, shall not reach
401 mm, measured horizontally outward.
(b) Under the test, the deflection of the top rail shall not reach 401 mm, measured
horizontally outward.
(c) Under the test, the deflection of the top edge of the structural infill panel shall not
reach 401 mm, measured horizontally outward.
(d) No component of the tested assembly shall become detached.
(e) No part of the tested assembly shall suffer structural failure.
A report that includes the information specified by Appendix F shall be prepared and shall
state if the specified deflection limit was reached.
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the performance under impact loading
in an outward direction of bottom rails, the bottom edge of a structural infill panel and
toeboards acting as a bottom rail of roof edge protection.
Where the roof edge protection is designed to be fixed or supported by the building frame, a
section of roof edge protection shall be assembled in accordance with Figure 4.1 and fixed
to an actual building or simulated building to reproduce an actual installation. The materials
used to connect the roof edge protection to the frame and the frame itself shall be the same
as those intended for actual usage. The framing members shall be supported in a manner
that simulates their location in relation to a wall frame or roof frame. An impact shall be
applied at the midpoint of the span of the bottom rail, the midpoint of the span of the
bottom edge of the structural infill panel or the midpoint of the span of the toeboard. The
deflections of the nominated components shall be measured and any visible damage to the
roof edge protection and framing member shall be noted.
Where roof edge protection is constructed from scaffolding independent of the building,
though it may be stabilized by the building frame, the points of impact shall be as described
Additional testing shall be undertaken at locations where the roof edge protection
incorporates cantilevered rails and at any locations where the manufacturer states the design
of the roof edge protection is of lower potential strength than the midpoint of the span of
the top rail between posts. Such testing shall be carried out at the deemed worst-case
The following apparatus shall be used:
(a) A test frame consisting of a building, or a section simulating a building representing
the intended installation for the roof edge protection, constructed of components that
will simulate the intended usage of the minimum design size, strength and rigidity.
The test frame shall be braced in a similar manner to an actual application and shall
be securely fixed to a concrete floor or similar, to ensure that only a minimal
movement of the frame occurs during the testing. The frame shall be rigid enough to
resist movement between its components during the test.
NOTE: Where possible, the test framework should be constructed from the same framing materials
as those used on the buildings on which the roof edge protection is to be used.
(b) A section of the scaffold assembly that will be used to support the components to be
تم اختباره.
The assembly shall be erected in an intended manner, stabilized against a section of
the building frame that is constructed of materials of similar dimensions and
structural properties as those used to construct an actual building frame.
(c) A suitable length of roof edge protection, of the minimum design size and strength,
supported in a manner that simulates the rigidity of its location in the intended wall
frame or roof frame, with the maximum intended span of the posts.
(d) A test apparatus consisting of a rigidly supported pendulum that is able to apply an
impact force to the top of the post or the top rail. See Figure D1 for the form of a
suitable test apparatus.
The pendulum shall have a true swing, square to the tested item.
A pendulum head mass of 60 kg, comprising a rubber-faced steel block of nominal
dimensions 300 mm × 300 mm, shall be used to apply the impact force.
The rubber facing, which is used to suppress noise from impacts, shall—
(i) extend over the full impact face of the steel block; and
(ii) have a thickness of 15 ±5 mm.
NOTE: The rubber should have a hardness of 70 IRHD ±5, as specified in
AS 1683.15.1, as this material will last a reasonable number of tests.
The test apparatus shall be configured to enable the steel block to travel through an
elevated test height of not less than 1000 mm.
For a bottom rail, the test apparatus shall be arranged so that, at the point of impact
on a rail, the full length of the rubber-faced steel block will contact the middle of an
end span of the rail (see Figure 4.1, test location 2).
For a toeboard, the test apparatus shall be arranged so that, at the point of impact on
the rail being replaced, the full width of the rubber-faced steel block will contact the
full height of the toeboard at midspan (see Figure 4.1, test location 2).
A section of the test frame may need to be removed to allow the pendulum to travel
freely through the framing before impacting on the bottom rail or toeboard. For such
cases, neither the rigidity of the test frame nor the attachment strength of the roof
edge protection shall be affected by this action. Alternatively, a rolling mass or other
suitable method of providing the impacting energy may be used, provided such a
device accurately replicates the impact energy that would result from using the
pendulum apparatus described above.
(e) A suitable steel rule or tape measure, graduated in millimetres.

The impact of the rubber-faced steel block on the bottom rail or toeboard is intended to
represent the bulk of a person impacting the bottom rail or toeboard. The use of a steel
weight allows for a reproducible energy to be absorbed under test by the bottom rail or
The procedure shall be as follows:
(a) Assemble the roof edge protection on the building or simulated building in the
manner intended for installation.
The materials used for connection and support of the roof edge protection shall be the
same as those intended for actual use.
(b) Mount or assemble the pendulum test device, or other suitable device complying with
Paragraph D3, Item (c), and framework in a manner that will ensure only the bottom
rail or toeboard is impacted.
The test impact shall be applied at the midpoint of the span of the bottom rail or
toeboard between two posts, one of which shall be an end post (see Figure 4.1, test
location 2).
(c) Establish a datum point for measuring horizontal deflections. The datum point shall
be independent of the test rig.
(d) Raise the pendulum to the required rotation height of at least 1000 mm above the top
of the centre-line of the bottom rail or toeboard.
(e) Release the pendulum and allow it to swing freely around the pivot point, from the
required rotation height.
The centre height of the rubber-faced steel block shall impact at midspan on the
bottom rail or toeboard.
(f) During the test, record if the permitted deflection is reached at the time of impact at
the midpoint of the bottom rail or toeboard. Record any structural failure that is
readily visible during a subsequent visual inspection.
The following acceptance criteria shall apply:
(a) Under test, the deflection of the bottom rail shall not reach 201 mm, measured
(b) Under test, the deflection of any part of the toeboard shall not reach 201 mm,
measured horizontally.
(c) No component of the tested assembly shall become detached.
(d) No part of the tested assembly shall suffer structural failure.
A report that includes the information specified in Appendix F shall be prepared and shall
state if the specified deflection limit was reached.
This Appendix sets out the method for determining the performance under impact loading
in an outward direction of the centre of a structural infill panel of roof edge protection.
Where roof edge protection is designed to be fixed or supported by the building frame, a
section of roof edge protection shall be assembled in accordance with Figure 4.1 and fixed
to an actual building or simulated building or produce an actual installation. The materials
used to connect the roof edge protection to the frame and the frame itself shall be the same
as those intended for actual usage. The framing members shall be supported in a manner
that simulates their location relative to a wall or roof frame. An impact shall be applied at
the midpoint of the span of the structural infill panel. The deflections of the centre of the
panel shall be measured and any visible damage to the roof edge protection and framing
members shall be noted.
Where roof edge protection is constructed from scaffolding independent of the building,
though it may be stabilized by the building frame, the points of impact shall be as described
The following apparatus shall be used:
(a) A test frame consisting of a building, or a section simulating a building representing
the intended installation for the roof edge protection, constructed of components that
will simulate the intended usage, of the minimum design size, strength and rigidity.
The test frame shall be braced in a similar manner to an actual application and shall
be securely fixed to a concrete floor or similar, to ensure that only a minimal
movement of the frame occurs during testing. The frame shall be rigid enough to
resist movement between components during the test.
NOTE: Where possible, the test frame should be constructed from the same framing materials
as those used on the buildings on which the roof edge protection is to be used.
(b) A section of the scaffold assembly that will be used to support the structural infill
panel to be tested.
The assembly shall be erected in the intended manner, stabilized against a section of
building frame that is constructed of materials of similar dimensions and structural
properties as those used to construct an actual building frame.
(c) A suitable length of the roof edge protection, of the minimum design size and
strength, and supported in a manner that simulates the rigidity of its location in the
intended wall or roof frame, with the maximum span of the posts.
The roof edge protection shall be fitted with the structural infill panel to be tested.
(d) A test apparatus consisting of a rigidly supported pendulum that is able to apply an
impact force to the centre of the structural infill panel. See Figure D1,Appendix D,
for the form of a suitable test apparatus.
The pendulum shall have a true swing, square to the tested item.
A pendulum head mass of 60 kg, comprising a rubber-faced steel block of nominal
dimensions 300 mm × 300 mm, shall be used to apply the impact force.
The rubber facing, which is used to suppress noise from impacts, shall—
(i) extend over the full impact face of the steel block; and
(ii) have a thickness of 15 mm ±5 mm.
NOTE: The rubber should have a hardness of 70 IRHD ±5, as specified in
AS 1683.15.1, as this material will last a reasonable number of tests.
The test apparatus shall be configured to enable the steel block to travel through an
elevated test height of not less than 1000 mm, measured at the centre of gravity of the
For the infill panel, the test apparatus shall be arranged so that, at the point of impact,
the full face of the rubber-faced steel block will contact the centre of the infill panel
(see Figure 4.2, Type 4 and Figure D1, Appendix D).
A section of the test frame or supporting scaffolding may be removed to allow the
pendulum to travel freely through the framing before impacting the infill panel. For
such cases, neither the rigidity of the test frame nor the attachment strength of the
roof edge protection shall be affected by this action.
Alternatively, a rolling mass or other suitable method of providing the impacting
energy may be used, provided such a device accurately replicates the impact energy
that would result from using the pendulum apparatus described above.
(e) A suitable steel rule or tape measure, graduated in millimetres.
The impact of the rubber-faced steel block on centre of the structural infill panel is intended
to represent the bulk of a person impacting the bottom rail or toeboard. The use of a steel
weight allows for a reproducible energy to be absorbed under test by the bottom rail or
The procedure shall be as follows:
(a) Assemble the roof edge protection on the building, simulated building or scaffolding
in the manner intended for installation.
The materials used for connection and support of the roof edge protection shall be the
same as those intended for actual use.
(b) Mount or assemble the pendulum test device or other suitable device complying with
Paragraph E3(c), and framework in a manner that will ensure only the bottom rail or
toeboard is impacted.
The test impact shall be applied at the midpoint of the span of the bottom rail or
toeboard, between two posts, one of which shall be an end post (see Figure 4.2,
Type 4 and Figure D1, Appendix D).
(c) Establish a datum point for measuring horizontal deflections. The datum point shall
be independent of the test rig.
(d) Raise the pendulum to the required rotation height of at least 1000 mm above the
centre of the structural infill panel.
(e) Release the pendulum and allow it to swing freely around the pivot point from the
required rotation height.
The centre height of the rubber-faced steel block shall impact at the centre of the
structural infill panel.
(f) During the test, record if the deflection permitted is reached at the time of impact at
the centre of the structural infill panel. Record any structural failure that is readily
visible during a subsequent visual inspection.
The following acceptance criteria shall apply:
(a) Under the test, the deflection of the centre of the structural infill panel shall not reach
401 mm, measured horizontally.
(b) No component of the tested assembly shall become detached.
(c) No part of the tested assembly shall suffer structural failure.
A report that includes the information specified in Appendix F shall be prepared and shall
state if the specified deflection limit was reached.
Reports of tests carried out on components of protection shall include the following
(a) Identification of the prefabricated roof edge protection system.
(b) Detailed description, drawing or photograph of the component being reported on.
(c) Description of the supporting structure supporting the tested equipment.
(d) Whether the test was carried out on an actual building site or on a test rig.
(e) The test forces calculated in accordance with the test procedure.
(f) Detailed description, drawing or photograph of the force-transmitting device used.
(g) Name and location of the testing facility.
(h) Date of test.
(i) Name, position and qualifications of the person responsible for the test.
(j) Signature of the person responsible for the test, including date of test.
(k) The outcome of the test; and whether the acceptance criteria of the test were met.
(l) A reference to the test method (e.g., Appendix B of AS/NZS 4994.1).