yellow scaffold tag collection

gelbes Gerüstschild

Yellow tags are known as “Caution Tags” and mean that scaffold inspection is done but additional safety is required. Based on the results of an additional inspection, yellow tags can be removed and an appropriate tag (green or red) will be hung on the scaffold.
They are required on scaffolding working project, because the OSHA requires: “Scaffolds and scaffold components shall be inspected for visible defects by a competent person before each work shift, and after any occurrence which could affect a scaffold’s structural integrity.”
The plastic scaffold status tags are tear-resistance. There are form-type inspection record table on the back side, and able to write on the tags.

Baumaschinenausrüstung für den asiatisch-pazifischen Raum

Supply Wholesale yellow scaffold tags

APAC yellow scaffold tags are your durable, weatherproof option, stand up to sun, rain, sleet, wind-borne sand and dirt.
We provide a number of yellow scaffold tags that not only help your facility stay in compliance with OSHA scaffold requirements and standards but can also protect the lives of your workers.
Browse for more products in this category as below:


2-Sided Scaffold
Status Tag: Caution

  • Waterproof Design
  • Customizable Size.
  • High-quality printing with CMYK 4-color offset printing.
Yellow Laminated Scaffolding Tags

Yellow Laminated Scaffolding Tags

  • OEM is accepted.
  • 3 different thickness options (0.025 mm, 0.05 mm, 0.1 mm) to meet specific needs.
Warning Inspection insert and Holder

Warning Inspection insert and Holder

  • Made of durable ABS.
  • Easy to disassemble and install.
  • Heat-resistant, cold-resistant and corrosion-resistant.

Scaffold Tags Set

  • The tag is made of PVC, suitable for indoor and outdoor use
  • Can be written with oil-based pens
  • Clear inspection trail
Yellow replacement insert

Yellow replacement insert

  • Design as your requirement
  • Size: 300mmX93mmX7mm
  • Weight: 83g/pc
  • Double-Sided Printing
yellow scaffolding tag holder

Yellow Tag Holder

  • One-piece label card slot,fast and convenient to insert/take out stable and durable after inserting card,not easy to drop.

So stellen wir Sicherheitsetiketten für Gerüste her

We are an enterprise with a deep understanding of the construction worksite safety field. Own related production factory to support customized, personalized needs of scaffold tags and other safety equipment.
All of APAC’s yellow scaffold tags comply with the OSHA standards and recommendations.
We also offer a wide variety of scaffolding tag products, such as scaffolding tag kits, scaffolding tags insert, and holders.
Unsere einzigartigen Produkte, wettbewerbsfähigen Preise und unser freundlicher persönlicher Service haben uns Kunden auf der ganzen Welt verschafft.
Need help? Please tell us your needs, we’d love to help you out!

Qualität trifft Exzellenz

Wir verfügen über eine komplette Produktionsausrüstung, die es uns ermöglicht, kundenspezifische Produkte nach Maß anzufertigen. We have more than years of experience in producing scaffolding tags. Our scaffolding tag is of great quality, and all the products are subject to quality inspection. Wir verfügen über eine komplette Produktionsausrüstung, die es uns ermöglicht, kundenspezifische Produkte nach Maß anzufertigen.

Wir bieten unseren Kunden Gerüstanhänger in verschiedenen Ausführungen an. Der Preis ist angemessen und der Service ist gut! Wenn Sie Bedarf an Gerüstschildern haben, nehmen Sie gerne Kontakt mit uns auf!

yellow scaffold tags in scaffolding industry

your reliable scaffolding tags supplier
  • Bietet eine riesige Auswahl an Gerüstschildern zum Verkauf
  • Hergestellt und versendet aus China
  • Entspricht OSHA, ANSI, ISO und anderen Standards.
  • Haltbarkeit im Außenbereich
  • Umfassende Lösungen zur Arbeitsplatzsicherheit 
  • Fähigkeit, sowohl Großbestellungen als auch kleinere Mengen zu liefern
  • Kostenlose Proben sind verfügbar
  • Schnelle und effiziente Lieferung in die ganze Welt

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