double height edge protection system
A large number of fatal accidents occur in construction areas as a result of working at height, whether it is to fall from or through a high surface or to have something fall on you. That is why edge protection solutions are so significant. Compared to traditional edge protection systems, double-height edge protection provides a more comprehensive edge protection coverage for everyone on the construction site.
APAC is committed to providing you with safety at your workplace. Our goal is to provide a wide range of high-quality safety products that will suit any of your project requirements.
double height edge protection for sale
Our new edge protection system has passed rigorous testing and suit for a number of safety applications related to construction practices. It is now compliant for any construction structure, built for all construction sites.
compression post edge protection
Compression post system that is not anchored or bolted, but relies on friction or compression fixings between the floor and soffit.
Safedge Bolt Down Edge Protection -järjestelmä on yhdistetty hylsyn pohjaan, turvatolppaan ja turvaverkkoesteeseen.
An excellent concrete bracket edge protection solution for erecting barrier systems on precast concrete slab edges, timer cassette edges, or pre-cast stair stringer.
TG Slab Edge Bracket Protection System tarjoaa kiinnitystavan mihin tahansa sopivaan pystysuoraan pintaan yhdistämällä TG-tolppaan ja TG-verkkoesteeseen.
introduction of apac
APAC was founded to provide a one-stop solution for construction site safety products. We are a professional manufacturer and supplier of edge protection systems in China. We produce and provide high-quality edge protection equipment for temporary support on the construction site.
In addition to concrete, steel, and structural timber, we offer solutions for existing and new buildings, which are flexible and can be adapted to meet your needs. Please let us know if you have any questions.
Laatu kohtaa erinomaisuuden
We take raw materials from the famous steel plants, and they are suitable for so many years of use.
Mesh barriers are the most used edge protection system items that must be good to prevent fall accidents. The quality and the specified checks that we always carry out over the years.
We have an experienced and hardworking workers team second to none in China to back up all products.

APAC on valmistanut laadukkaita tuotteita vuodesta 2014 lähtien. Tavoitteenamme on tarjota sinulle laadukkaita tuotteita parhaaseen mahdolliseen hintaan samalla kun tarjoamme korkeimman tason palvelua ja tukea.
APAC edge protection systems that meet and exceed EN 13374 and OSHA standards. Manufactured with quality welds and durable steel, our products are built to last.

- Kiina #1 reunasuojausjärjestelmien valmistaja ja toimittaja
- Tarjoaa ilmaisen suunnittelupalvelun ja yhden luukun ratkaisun
- Reunasuojaus takaa maksimaalisen monipuolisuuden muihin merkkeihin verrattuna
- Täysin reunasuojausratkaisut vaihdettavilla komponenteilla
- Mahdollisuus toimittaa sekä massatilauksia että pienempiä määriä
- Näytteitä varastossa valmiina toimitettavaksi
- Nopea ja tehokas toimitus koko maailmaan