Roof Edge Protection Requirements and Different Roof Edge Protection
Introduction Roof edge protection is an essential safety feature that every building with a roof should have. It refers to the installation of barriers or guardrails on the roof’s edge to prevent accidental falls and protect workers and other individuals from injury. These barriers can be permanent or temporary, depending on the type of building, […]
Edge Protection: The Key to Safety in Elevated Work Environments
Introduction When you work at heights, whether it’s on a roof or a high-rise building, edge protection is essential to ensure your safety. An edge protection system is a set of barriers or guardrails that prevent you from accidentally falling off an elevated surface. Edge protection systems are crucial in elevated work environments because falls […]
Factory Direct Edge Protection System – Explore Our Factory
introduction APAC is a professional edge protection system supplier and manufacturer, all our products are factory direct. At APAC Builder Equipment, we have a team of experts who have dedicated themselves to providing the best possible Edge Protection System for our customers. Our Edge Protection System is designed to provide an extra layer of safety […]
The Right Fall Protection For Leading and Sharp Edge Situations
introduction Fall protection is an essential part of the construction industry, and workers must make sure they are protected from falls. This is especially true for those who work on leading and sharp edges. Leading edges often pose a threat because they have gaps between them and the floor below, potentially allowing workers to fall […]
What Is the Difference Between Q235 and Q345 Steel and Which One Should I Use for My Projects?
Introduction Steel is a common material used in construction, and there are different grades of steel available depending on the intended use. Two common grades of steel are Q235 and Q345. So what is the difference between these two grades? And which one should you choose for your project? Read on to find out. Note: […]
Standard Guidance for Temporary Edge Protection Systems
INTRODUCTION Temporary edge protection systems are utilized in work-at-height jobs and protect people from falling to lower surfaces. Edge protection systems are very new to the construction industry and other work-at-height jobs. Yet, you will see fast changes in its processing and popularity. When you are specifying an edge protection system, standards and regulations can […]
The Development of Edge Protection Systems
introduction Different fatal accidents may occur in the absence of safety protocols on construction sites. These results can be either due to the falling of an object or due to falling from heights. The edge protection system is used on construction sites in order to keep workers safe when they are working. The main function of […]
What You Should Know About Edge Protection Systems?
In the construction industry, the number of fatal and nonfatal occupational injuries is higher than in other industries. Among the causes of these accidents, falls from the leading edge can be the most hazardous activity. The aim of the Edge Protection System (EPS) is to reduce the risk of falling from leading edge, leading to the advancement and […]
OSHA standard 1926.502-APAC Guardrail System conforms to it
APAC Mesh Barrier Guardrail Systems 1. Is the top edge height of top rails (or equivalent guardrail system members) 42 inches, plus or minus 3 inches above the walking or working level? [29 CFR 1926.502(b)(1)] Note: When necessary, the height of the top edge may exceed the 45_inch height, if the guardrail system meets all other criteria. When employees are using stilts, the […]
Introduction of Edge Fall Protection
According to the statistics of the construction sector, falling from height and object strikes caused by working at height account for more than 40 percent of the total number of accidents.